Headscarves and Porno-Chic: Disciplining Girls' Bodies in the European Multicultural Society
This article addresses girls' dress, which has become controversial, especially in contemporary multicultural Europe. Using the Dutch public debate about the headscarf, belly shirts, visible G-strings, and other forms of ‘porno-chic’, the authors show that these seemingly separate debates are held together by the regulation of female sexuality. Through their analysis of the headscarves and porno-chic debate, the authors argue that women's sexuality and girls' bodies in particular have become the metonymic location for many a contemporary social dilemma: of the multicultural society when it concerns the scarf, of feminism and public morality when it concerns porno-chic. They conclude that despite the widely different appearance of girls wearing headscarves or porno-chic, both groups of girls are submitted to the meta-narratives of dominant discourse: the state, school, public opinion, parents and other social institutions ‘resignify’ their everyday practices as inappropriate, and reprieve them from the power to define their own actions.
From porno-chic to porno-fear: the return of the repressed
From cyber porn to striptease culture, this trailblaising book uncovers the shockingly fascinating new ways that western society is being sexualized. We don't realise how far the 'pornogrification' of culture has reached - this book does and discusses it graphically but responsibly. Media interest in this subject is huge."Mainstreaming Sex" uncovers the significant impact, hitherto only half glimpsed, that striptease culture is having on our media, relationships, educational and working lives. It is a welcome and much needed book.Western culture is exhibiting its fascination with sex in new, often surprising ways. Pole dancing is a form of keep fit, porn stars find work as agony aunts, pornography itself is just 'a mouse click away', and phone sex, email affairs and cybersex are now part of our everyday lives. This sexualization of modern culture is the subject widely discussed here.In original chapters, the contributors confront the reality that in all aspects of social and cultural life, sex is being 'mainstreamed'. They explore film, print and online pornographies; representations of masturbation in film and television, supersexualized advertising, and problem page sex. They also examine young people's views of sex in mainstream media; women's use of sexual media in the home; and, pole dancing as exercise and performance and third wave feminism and the sexualization debate.
Pornography, porno, porn: thoughts on a weedy field
This article provides an overview of the state of ‘pornography, porno, porn’ studies grounded on a critique of my own anthology and other significant texts. It notes the (over)abundance of work on gay pornography versus the surprising paucity on heterosexual pornographies; the under-representation of soft core; the near non-existence of an ‘archive’; and the need for more original single-authored books. Finally, the article makes a plea that criticizes the very title of this journal in the casual, too-comfortable use of the terms ‘porno’ and now ‘porn’ that risk aligning the academic field too closely with the industry, thus eliding critical distance and suggesting that the field is automatically ‘pro-porn,’ which it should not be.
(機械翻訳)この記事では、私自身のアンソロジーやその他の重要なテキストに対する批評に基づいた「ポルノ、ポルノ、ポルノ」研究の現状の概要を説明します。それは、ゲイポルノに関する(過剰な)豊富な仕事と異性愛者のポルノに関する驚くべき不足に注目しています。ソフトコアの過小評価。 「アーカイブ」がほとんど存在しない。そして、よりオリジナルの単著本の必要性。最後に、この記事は、このジャーナルのタイトルそのものを、学問分野を業界とあまりにも緊密に連携させるリスクがある「ポルノ」および現在の「ポルノ」という用語のカジュアルで快適すぎる使用で批判し、批判的な距離を排除することを嘆願しますそして、フィールドが自動的に「プロポルノ」であることを示唆しますが、そうではありません。
Women’s Porno: The heterosexual female gaze in porn sites “for women”
The article deals with a number of Internet sites claiming to specialize in providing pornography for heterosexual women, as a vehicle to examine the nascent “gaze” and visual parameters of heterosexual female sexuality. The focus here is semiotic—looking at visual coding of website images rather than audience reception (i.e., whether heterosexual women are actually the main consumers of women’s porno). Motivation for this decision is discussed. Theoretically, the article draws from Butler’s performative notions of sexuality in anchoring discussion. The remainder of the article does a comparative textual analysis of nine pornographic Internet sites, three of which label themselves “for women.” Findings are as follows: “Women’s porno” fuses the matter and anti-matter of men’s homo- and heterosexual pornography, in the process engendering an active, sexually interested, heterosexual female gaze and typifying Butler notion of “insurrectionary speech.”
The joy fuck club: Prolegomenon to an Asian American porno practice
A history of exclusionism, segregation, and even incarceration are material forces that have shaped the sexuality of Asian Americans. Drawing from a range of feminist theory, film studies, and current scholarship in Asian American studies, this essay examines the role that the dominant media has played in enforcing a sex/power regime that helps maintain a system of racial subordination. The piece concludes with the suggestion that the illustrious history of Asian erotica be reclaimed and extended to include a porno practice that becomes part of a larger cultural politics of Asian American jouissance.
Combining SVM and CHMM classifiers for porno video recognition
Porno video recognition is important for Internet content monitoring. In this paper, a novel porno video recognition method by fusing the audio and video cues is proposed. Firstly, global color and texture features and local scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) are extracted to train multiple support vector machine (SVM) classifiers for different erotic categories of image frames. And then, two continuous density hidden Markov models (CHMM) are built to recognize porno sounds. Finally, a fusion method based on Bayes rule is employed to combine the classification results by video and audio cues. The experimental results show that our model is better than six state-of-the-art methods.
Heterosexuality as an idea and a practice exists only as a result of a constant interplay between what counts as normal and what is relegated to the illicit. This paper will explore a contemporary social phenomenon—pornification—that is potentially refiguring normative boundaries, and consider how this might be reorganising heteronormativity. Here I use a case study—SEXPO Health, Sexuality and Lifestyle Expos—through which to examine an instance of the ‘pornification of the mainstream’. It will be argued here that in the case of SEXPO, while many of the acts and expressions of heterosexual practice are changing shape, a heteronormative culture remains front and centre
To block or not to block – European child porno law in question
The EU Commission has proposed a new Directive on combating sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. The updated piece of legislation proposes to block access to child pornography websites. After months of negotiation, the Council, Parliament and Commission have agreed on a compromised text which generates more confusion and has been lambasted as meaningless. The compromised text is a result of powerful lobbying by Hollywood porno industry, Internet Service Providers and civil libertarians. The compromised text brings to highlight the tension between freedom of speech and protection of children.
Reimagining athletic nudity: the sexualization of sport as a sign of a ‘porno-ization’ of culture
This paper traces some historical and contemporary instances in which sporting and other bodies naked physiques have been utilized to affect religious, social, ideological or political agendas. We argue that inherent aesthetic values of performative flesh have been lost (or minimized) in recent times which have, intentionally or otherwise, degraded and objectified the naked body. To satisfy society's insatiable consumer needs and desires, bodies, especially sporting bodies, have been sexualized to the extreme. This overt sexualization is symptomatic of a wider porno-ization of western (North American and European) culture and cultural products. Porno-ization (characterized by exploitative modes of production for pecuniary gain) has limited our contemporary readings, and respect for, the body and its educational, transformative, artistic and emancipatory potential. Tentative though our theorization may be, we call readers to appreciate athletic nudity anew to re-imagine the eroticism of sporting bodies in cultural and aesthetic terms, akin to artistic appreciation rather than as provocative objects of sports' capitalistic desires.
Race and desire in the porno-tropics: Ethnographic perspectives from the post-colony
In this article I explore the limits of Anne McClintock’s conceptualization of the ‘porno-tropics’ as a concept to understand the everyday lives of an isolated group of European expatriates working for a logging company in the Congolese rainforest. Based on long-term ethnographic research, I give a reading of two sets of images I encountered during my fieldwork – a soft-erotic calendar and a hardcore porn site – to come to a better understanding of the actual discourses and practices of interracial sex along the racial divide. To get a grip on the economy of desire at my fieldwork site, I focus on two figures who are largely overlooked by McClintock’s analysis: the continuing influence of the white woman as an ‘absent presence’ in the post-colony and the ambiguous presence of the black man as both an emasculating body and a resource in the construction of ‘white’ masculinities.
Pengenalan Citra Porno Berbasis Kandungan Informasi Citra (Image Content)
Pornographic image recognition is a matching process between an image signature of pornographic training image and an image signature of query image. The aims of this research were to build pornographic image recognition system based on image content that can classify an image that is porno or not and to know how the performance of this method is. Image content that was used in this research was color content and image signature. The image content was taken by color histogram and by extracting an image using wavelet transform, next choosing a little wavelet transforms coefficients that have the biggest magnitude value and moment was used to sharpness the image information content. The tests were carried out in Daubechies 8 wavelets type, 25 heterogeneous pornographic images for training and 500 query images that consist 125 heterogeneous pornographic images and 375 non-pornographic images. Screening success rates were determined by using number images that can be screening per number images on database in percentage, and screening time was determined by the time that needed for an image to classify as pornographic image. The results show that this method give average of screening success rate about 67.02% (it means can classify 84 images as pornographic from 125 pornographic images in database) and can classify about 36 images as pornographic from 375 non-pornographic images in database. This system also needs a little time for screening process that is about 0.29 second every image and screening time is linear to size of database. This method is good enough as pornographic image screening but need some improvement for increasing the performance.
(機械翻訳)ポルノ画像認識は、ポルノトレーニング画像の画像署名とクエリ画像の画像署名の間のマッチングプロセスです。この研究の目的は、ポルノであるかどうかを分類できる画像コンテンツに基づいてポルノ画像認識システムを構築し、この方法のパフォーマンスを知ることでした。この調査で使用された画像コンテンツは、カラーコンテンツと画像署名でした。画像コンテンツは、カラーヒストグラムによって取得され、ウェーブレット変換を使用して画像を抽出し、次に、最大のマグニチュード値とモーメントを持つ小さなウェーブレット変換係数を選択して、画像情報コンテンツをシャープにしました。テストは、Daubechies 8ウェーブレットタイプ、トレーニング用の25の異種ポルノ画像、および125の異種ポルノ画像と375の非ポルノ画像からなる500のクエリ画像で実行されました。スクリーニングの成功率は、データベース上の画像の数ごとにパーセンテージでスクリーニングできる画像の数を使用して決定され、スクリーニング時間は、画像がポルノ画像として分類されるのに必要な時間によって決定されました。結果は、この方法が平均で約67.02%のスクリーニング成功率を示し(データベース内の125のポルノ画像から84の画像をポルノとして分類できることを意味します)、データベース内の375の非ポルノ画像から約36の画像をポルノとして分類できることを示しています。このシステムはまた、スクリーニングプロセスに少しの時間を必要とします。これは画像ごとに約0.29秒であり、スクリーニング時間はデータベースのサイズに比例します。この方法はポルノ画像のスクリーニングとしては十分ですが、パフォーマンスを向上させるためにいくつかの改善が必要です。
The new 'porno-chic'? Fashion, consumption and film pornography
This article studies the emerging links between fashion, consumption and film pornography. Drawing on recent work on the 'pornification' of popular culture, it situates its discussion around the ongoing influence of pornography on mainstream consumer culture and the emergence of branded consumer goods from the American pornographic film industry. It considers recent controversy concerning the impact on pornography on the style and appearance of young western women but also develops these ideas around an analysis of both how American pornographic films sell related product such as T-shirts, baseball caps and sweatshirts as well as how the mise-en-scène of these texts is customized in order to accommodate such marketing strategies.
Reference is made to Playboy, Hustler and Vivid Video, but the central case study is an analysis of the role of less-established American production companies such as Anabolic Video in creating and commodifying their products in a range of ways beyond the basic manufacture of hard-core pornographic films. This is located alongside other companies that draw on the transgressive appeal of pornography past and present as a way to differentiate their products (the 'Porn Star' clothing range and the use of soft-core pornographic techniques and hard-core performers in the marketing campaigns of American Apparel).
(機械翻訳)この記事では、ファッション、消費、映画ポルノの間の新たなつながりを研究しています。大衆文化の「ポルノ化」に関する最近の研究を利用して、ポルノが主流の消費者文化に及ぼす継続的な影響と、アメリカのポルノ映画産業からのブランド消費財の出現についての議論を位置づけています。それは、若い西洋人女性のスタイルと外観に対するポルノへの影響に関する最近の論争を考慮しますが、アメリカのポルノ映画がTシャツ、野球帽、スウェットシャツなどの関連製品をどのように販売するか、そしてどのようにこれらのテキストのmise-en-scèneは、そのようなマーケティング戦略に対応するためにカスタマイズされています。Playboy、Hustler、Vivid Videoが参照されますが、中心的なケーススタディは、ハードの基本的な製造を超えたさまざまな方法で製品を作成および商品化する際のAnabolicVideoなどの確立されていないアメリカの制作会社の役割の分析です。 -コアポルノ映画。これは、過去と現在のポルノの超越的な魅力を自社製品を差別化する方法として利用している他の企業と並んでいます(「ポルノスター」の衣類の範囲と、マーケティングキャンペーンでのソフトコアポルノ技術とハードコアパフォーマーの使用アメリカンアパレルの)。
Porno Para Ricardo: rock music and the 'obsession with identity' in contemporary Cuba
The desire to construct and define a sense of national identity has often been regarded as something of an 'obsession' in Cuban political and cultural discourse. Throughout the Revolution, rock music has consistently played some part in the making of a Cuban soundscape. Yet rock has often been seen as something of a threat to an 'autochthonous' construction of Cuban culture, and has often been denied legitimacy as part of the Cuban soundworld. Despite the rather liminal position it occupied throughout the revolutionary period, rock music in contemporary Cuba is as 'obsessed' with constructing, defining and reflecting a sense of Cubanness as more 'recognisably Cuban' musical forms. In this paper I explore some of the negotiations and conflicts in the music of the controversial rock band, Porno Para Ricardo: negotiations between traditional musics, the state and rock music in the perennial quest to define Cubanía.
(機械翻訳)国民的アイデンティティの感覚を構築し定義したいという願望は、キューバの政治的および文化的言説における「執着」のようなものと見なされることがよくあります。革命を通して、ロックミュージックは一貫してキューバのサウンドスケープの作成に何らかの役割を果たしてきました。それでも、岩はキューバ文化の「自発的な」構築に対する脅威のようなものと見なされることが多く、キューバのサウンドワールドの一部としての正当性を否定されることがよくあります。革命期を通してそれが占めていたかなり限界的な位置にもかかわらず、現代のキューバのロック音楽は、より「認識できるほどキューバの」音楽形式としてキューバの感覚を構築し、定義し、反映することに「取りつかれている」。この論文では、物議を醸しているロックバンド、Porno Para Ricardoの音楽における交渉と対立のいくつかを探ります。キューバニアを定義するための長年の探求における伝統音楽、国家、ロック音楽の間の交渉です。
- カリビアンコム
- 一本道
- 素人ちゅーどく
- 援助交際めちゃはめムービー
- TOKYO-HOT(東京熱)
- TMPフリーパス
- Hey動画 月額見放題プラン
- U-NEXT(アダルト)
- FANZA見放題chライト
- FANZA見放題chプレミアム
- Pikkur(ピッカー)
- X1X.com
- 楽天TV(アダルト)AV見放題
- エロックスジャパンZ
- av9898(Hey動画)
- 新作アダルト見放題プラン
- アボッド(A-VOD)
- SODprime(SODプライム)
- どこでも動画(docodemo)
- カリビアンコムプレミアム
- Hey動画
- HEYZO PPV(単品販売)
- DUGA(デュガ)
- MGS動画
- FC2コンテンツマーケット アダルト動画
- SOKMIL(ソクミル)
- Gcolle
- Javholic








